Month: May 2016

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Playing Roulette with the Bible- not a good idea

    Playing Roulette with the Bible- not a good idea

    Russian Roulette ? is defined as an act of bravado consisting of spinning the cylinder of a revolver loaded with one cartridge, pointing the muzzle at one’s own head ?, […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Float like a butterfly & Sting like a bee

    Float like a butterfly & Sting like a bee

    The ole saying from a champion boxer: Float like a butterfly; sting like a bee,” is right on target for us Christian warriors. We float like a butterfly among people, […]

  • God’s Fueling Station- not a waste of time!

    While sitting at a traffic light, I looked over at this gas station noticing those who were putting fuel in their vehicles. And this thought came to me: “They’re not […]