Whole Foods Bible- keep eating

One day my 13 yr old daughter had a confession, which she nervously conveyed to me because I was also a pastor. She said, Daddy, can I tell you something?
Sure honey, go ahead.
Well, sometimes when I read the Bible, it’s just boring to me.
And I could tell she was a little nervous as she waited for my response… and then very much relieved when she saw me smile and heard a little chuckle while I looked at her and said, “Yeah, me too honey. Sometimes it’s just boring.”
Well she was relieved and happy that I sometimes felt the same thing.
She was normal after all ?.
Well, you know me, that was an opportunity for further truth. And so
I continued the conversation by saying, Lauren, what’s your most exciting kind of food to eat?
She said things like pizza, bread and butter, ice cream and cookies.
Then I asked her what kind of foods were boring for her to eat. She then began to name different kinds of vegetables and such things… ugh!
So I said, Honey, the Bible is like food, but it’s all good food and good for us to take in. Some Bible verses and stories are exciting parts (like meat and potatoes, bread and butter, and cookies and ice cream) and some parts are kind of boring to read (like vegetables) and we just don’t like it. But like vegetables, though sometimes boring and aren’t as yummy as other exciting foods, yet are still very necessary to eat and are very good for you, so it is with the Bible. Keep eating it honey, it’s all good for you and is very good for your spirit and soul. It’s making you healthy, alert and mature.
That was a simple word of wisdom that kept a 13 yr old in the Whole Foods Bible.
So, thank God for all the cool and exciting Scriptures, but by all means…


Eat your spiritual vegetables to be wise, alert, healthy– and keep up with your Christ-Life growing spurts ?.


Veggie Truth” ?
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (to know the Truth), for reproof (what’s displeasing to Jesus), for correction (where we need to change), for instruction in righteousness, that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3: 16-17)