Dig deeper… Grow stronger… Stand forever

A certain man of God was struggling just to get to the word one morning. He knew he needed to, but kept putting it off and instead was doing this thing and that thing… instead of that very important thing.
He finally sat down with his Bible and expressed to God: It’s just not there, Lord- no feelings or anything. I don’t even know where to read.
He then got up and started to do his workout session.
Then the Lord gently asked him: “Do you feel like exercising right now?”The man replied, “No, not really.”
The Lord asked, “Then why are you doing it?”image1 (2)
Because I don’t want to get weak,” he replied.
Then there was that golden silence. The point was made.
He went back to the place he laid his Bible down, picked it up and began to read. And he kept reading, feeding and contemplating on God’s living words. It wasn’t too long that his spirit-man was revived, lifted and strengthened. His face even began to shine a little with God’s Presence. The confidence that was waning, was soon again present with assurance. His spirit-man was strengthened and joyful again. All because he decided to feed on and commune with the living word of God- Jesus.

Beloved, Jesus said it plainly, echoing His own words that He spoke to the children of Israel when He admonished them in the wilderness (which is definitely one place you never want to miss your “feeding”), saying:
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4).
To live and reign in Christ, we must continually feed on His living words and drink from His living Spirit.

If I haven’t fed on His word yet, am I getting weaker or stronger?

People of God feed on God!image1 (2)
And when it comes to God, “deeper” is very much better than shallow. So let’s dig and go deeper.
“Whoever comes to Me, Jesus said, and hears My sayings (words) and does them, I will show you whom he is like: “He is like a man building a house, WHO DUG DEEP and laid the foundation on the ROCK. And when the flood arose (and it will arise), the stream beat vehemently against that house (and it will beat against you), and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.”
“But he who heard and did nothing (uh oh) is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.” Luke 6: 47-49

Let’s be among the wise who are digging deeper, growing stronger, and who are standing in the midst of testings…. and will be of those who stand forever!