Did it work for you this morning?

When you rolled out of bed, did you declare your SONSHIP with God, and that you were His servant ready to serve today? And did you lift your hands and declare you’re victorious? If you did. Super! If you didn’t, then do it again, bc whatever you sow THAT is what you reap. Apply this to any situation you’re facing, and sow what you DO want, how you do want to be. IT WORKS!

Hey, just a brief word about servant hood bc it has everything to do with being like Jesus, as well as your future reign with Him.

“Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification”. (Romans 15: 2).
Here’s a few personal questions for you:
* Has Jesus done anything to please you- that was for YOUR good, your benefit? Have you benefitted from anything Jesus did for you?
* Did anyone this past weekend or today do anything on your behalf that pleased you… something by which you were benefitted?
* Did YOU seek to please anyone this weekend or today in order to bless them?

I think you’ll like this photo, especially its message:

Towel and basin
How true. One of the marks of Christ in us is seen in our service toward others. It is to SEEK the well being of others.

“For even the Son of Man (Jesus) did not come to be served (to please Himself), but to serve (to please others), and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10: 45).

There are many ways by which we can serve others- by praying for them, cooking for them, cleaning up after them, doing something that blesses them, encouraging them, helping them out in a time of need, helping them through a battle, or anything by which they are helped, blessed, encouraged, or benefitted.

Lets sow that picture of a servant in our mind again… for it really is the “mind of Christ” to do so ?

Action Word (memory verse) this week: “Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification” (Romans 15: 2).